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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Class 8 - Social Studies - Chapter # 7 British Arrival in the Subcontinent

Chapter # 7
British Arrival in the Subcontinent
Question#1.       What was the objective behind the efforts of European nations to find new lands and routes?
Answer:               European Nations were competing against one another to find different routes of land and sea to reach the East and the Far East. Their efforts were directed at two objectives:
a)      to find new routes and land to establish new colonies.
b)      to expand trade and accumulate wealth and knowledge.
Question#2.       Write the detail of early trade activities of early activities of the British in the sub-continent.
Answer:               The first British trade centre was established in 1608 A.D. at Surat near Bombay. An English Ambassador Sir Thomas Rowe got many trade concessions from the Mughal King Jehangir in 1612. Big and small trade centers were opened by them at different places. Most surprisingly, the Mughal Kings allowed the British to have their own currency, build forts and keep a small army for protection.
 In the early years if the 18th century the East India Company was set up to look after the trade activities in the subcontinent. This company not only did trade but also indulged in the local political affairs. Very soon they had their own pockets of influence where they virtually ruled independently.
Question#3.       Write a brief note on the fight for supremacy among the European nation in the subcontinent.
Answer.               In addition to the British other European nations like Holland. Portugal and France also set up their own trading centers which led to trade and political jealousies and clashes began to occur.
In the middle of the eighteenth century the French and the British were fighting against each other for supremacy. The first open clash occurred at Karnatak in which the French were defeated. This opened the way for the British to grab territories and establish themselves as rulers. The wealth that the East India Company had amassed in England was instrumental in defeating the French and closing down trade centers of other European Nations in India.
Question#4.       Why was Sirajuddaula not liked by the East India Company?
Answer.               Nawab Sirajuddaula did not allow British to keep armies or build forts. This made the British very hostile towards the Nawab. They started to conspire against him. They made the fort of Calcutta a stronghold against the wishes of the Nawab.
Question#5.       When and why Nawab Sirajuddaula attacked the British?
Answer.               The Nawab was forced to attack the British when they made the fort of Calcutta a stronghold with his permission and against his wishes. Sirajuddaula attacked the factory of Qasim Bazar and occupied it. He also attacked Fort William, defeated the British but somehow did not occupy the fort.
Question#6        How did the British react after the defeats at Qasim Bazar and Fort William?
Answer.               The defeats at Qasim Bazar and Fort William produced great commotion in the British Madras Council. Army and naval units were sent to Bengal under the command of Watson and Clive. The conspired with Nanak Chand, the Dewan of Dhaka and captured the fort of Damdam and looted the property of the people of Hoogly. Lutf Khan and Mir Jafar also played the role of traitors and actively helped the British against Sirajuddaula.
Question#7        Give the reasons for the defeat of Sirajuddaula in the Battle of Plassey.
Answer.               Everyone in the council of Sirajuddaula advised him to give battle to the British but the Nawab knew their intentions. At this, Sirajuddaula contacted the Mughal King of Dehli, the French and the Marhattas but no one came to his help. Sirajuddaula moved his army to the battlefield of Plassey. He had an early success but the treachery of Mir Jafar Turned tables. Withdrawal of the battle units of many Sardars caused panic in the ranks of Nawab’s army and as a result Clive won the battle.
Question#8        Write an account on the unfaithfulness and treason of Mir Jafar.
Answer.               Mir Jafar met Clive in 1757 and requested the British General to help him ascend to the throne. Clive agreed and advised him to make a dash for Murshidabad and capture the treasury. In the meantime Sirajuddaula had also reached there. When he learnt about his army’s defeat and the treachery of Mir Jafar he wanted to run away but was caught and killed by the son of Mir Jafar.
Question#9        What steps did Mir Qasim take to crush the British power?
Answer.               Mir Qasim was a clever person. As soon as he got some respite, he set about the task of rearranging his army and tried to make it string and reliable. He crushed the rebellious Sardars, captured their forts and forfeited the Jagirs. Also Mir Qasim shifted his capital from Bengal and Bihar. He wanted to become strong enough to be able to oust the British from that area.
Question#10      Write a note on the early life and carrier of Hyder Ali.
Answer.               Hyder Ali was born in Mysore in 1722. From early childhood he received through training in the art of warfare. He started his career as an ordinary soldier, but later by the dint of hard work became Commander-in-Chief of Mysore forces. The ruler of the State of Mysore was so pleased with Hyder Ali’s conduct and performance that he entrusted him all important affairs of the State. He worked very hard to set the affairs of the state right. He reorganized the army on the pattern of the British and French forces.
Question#11      Write a note on the life of Hyder Ali as a Ruler.
Answer.               Hyder Ali soon conquered the adjoining territories and turned Mysore into a formidable kingdom. This caused great alarm in the minds of Manhattans, the Nizam of Hyderabad and the British. But Hyder Ali was a wise ruler he tackled all three opponents. He forced Colonel bailey to lay down arms. The British had to sign a treaty with Hyder Ali. Their prestige received a great setback.
Question#12      What measures did Fateh Ali Tipu take oust the British and why did he not succeed?
Answer.               The real name of Tipu Sultan was Fateh and he was son of Hyder Ali. He was a very brave and courageous person.
Hyder Ali’s advice to hid son:
Hyder Ali advised his son not to rest until the British had been hunted out of India. Tipu followed his father’s advice in its true spirit.
Important steps:
        I.            He tried his best to unite the Muslim rulers against the British.
      II.            He increased the tempo and inflicted many defeats on the British.
    III.            He tried his best to bring Manhattan’s in his camp but he refused due to some problems.
Question#13      what were the reasons of Tipu Sultan’s defeat?
Answer.               His best efforts failed to produce desired results due to following reasons:
        I.            He did not succeed in bringing the Manhattans, Nizam's and the French to his camp.
      II.            His noble men Mir Sadiq and Purnia became traitor against him.
Question#14      What was the main reason of the start of War of Independence 1857?
Answer.               The cause of the War of Independence 1857 lies in the deep-rooted human love for liberty and self rule. It maybe viewed as a last ditch battle on the part of Muslims against the alien rulers.
Question#15      What was the simple incident that started the war of 1857?
Answer.               The war was precipitated by a simple incident. It was believed that cartridges made by British were covered with the fat of pigs and cows. The cartridges were to be bitten by mouth before use. This injured the religious feelings of both Muslims and Hindus. Hence they refused to use them. At this resistance the British government forces to discipline the soldiers. This led to the rebellion.

Short Questions

        I.            When was the first British trade center opened in subcontinent?
Ans. The first British trade center in India was established in 1608 A.D.
      II.            What special offer did Jahangir give to the British?
Ans. He allowed them to have their own currency, build forts and keep armies for protection.
    III.            How did Aurangzeb treat British?
Ans. He gave them the permission to build the city of Calcutta and Fort William
    IV.            Why was the East India Company set up?
Ans. It was set up to look after British trade interests in the subcontinent
      V.            Name some European nations who had trade centers in India.
Ans. Holland, Portugal, France, and England set their trade centers in India
    VI.            How did Ali Vardi Khan treat the British?
Ans. Ali Vardi Khan kept them under strict supervision
  VII.            What did Ali Vardi Khan advice to Sirajuddaula?
Ans. He advised Sirajuddaula not to allow the British to keep army or build forts otherwise Bengal would be lost.
VIII.            What was the British attitude towards Nawab Sirajuddaula?
Ans. Their attitude was very hostile towards the Nawab Sirajuddaula. They started conspiracies against him.
    IX.            When was Tipu Sultan born?
Ans. Hyder Ali was born in 1750.
      X.            What was the motto of Tipu Sultan?
Ans. His motto was, “it is better to live for a day like a lion than to exist for hundred years like a jackal”