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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Character of a Happy Life - Summary

The Character of a Happy Life
The poem The Character of a Happy Life, has been written by Sir Henry Wotton. He was born in Kent and the son of country gentleman. In this poem Wotton has described the characteristics of a person who can truly be called a happy man.
We find Wotton’s poem has a sharp sense of contrast between the uneasy life of the ambitious man and the contented life of man satisfied to live an obscure life of peaceful virtue. Sir Henry Wotton wrote from experience; for had seen for himself the rise and fall of ambitious men. The poem consisting of six stanzas of regular couplet rhymed.
“Nature is the peace not the Land.”                                                                    John Keats
The poet narrates thata  person who has freedom of will and thought leads a happy life. He does not act according to other people’s wishes. His only weapon is his simplicity and truth.
Such an upright man is not a slave of his desires. The dispassionate soul is always prepared for death  believing that death is the defining moment of life: the moment of religious judgment when virtue is rewarded and vice is punished. This man is not concerned about what people say about him publicly or privately.
This upright man is not jealous. Wotton continues by saying that anyone pledged to a happy life envies no one who has become successful—which is likely to have been either by “chance” or “vice.” The “deepest wounds” are “given by praise” because flattery feeds pride; whereas happiness relies on transcending the ego. He does not abide by the rules of the society which compel a person to do wicked deeds. He follows the rules of goodness which will lead him to the right path.
A happy man’s life is free from numerous worries when he is sad he retires in his comfort of clear conscience. He hasn’t got a high position. Therefore people don’t flatter him or ridicule him at his own fall. A happy man prays to God regularly. In this prayer he does not ask for things but he thanks God for being gracious and merciful on him. His favorite pass time is good book or friend. A man who is truly happy is free from slavery of his desires. He isn’t ambitious. He does not expect too much therefore his hopes aren’t shattered. He doesn’t fear a downfall. This man hasn’t got lands or wealth and yet he has everything. He has got the greatest wealth of contentment and happiness.

1 comment:

  1. Waooow beautiful poem sharing sharing. Carry on

    I have also poem like this:
