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Monday, August 1, 2011

Chap#3 Q&A - Class 9th - English

Chapter-3 (Kindness to Living Things
1.       Write a few lines on “Kindness is a great Virtue”.
Ans. Kindness is a great virtue. Kindness benefits both, the giver and the receiver. Islam teaches us to be kind with everyone and even with the animals. Kind words and deeds are a sure way of winning god’s grace.
2.       Why should we be kind to animals and birds? Do hey serve us? If so, in what ways?
Ans. Animals and birds serve us in various ways. We get milk and meat from animals like cows, goats and hens. We use the animals like horse, camel, donkeys and oxen for transportation. Therefore we should be kind to animals.
3.       Write an instance that you may have read about kindness to animals from the life of Hazrat Mohammed (SAW)
Ans. Once Hazrat Mohammed (SAW) saw a man treating his camel harshly. The Holy Prophet came back home but could not sleep all night. The next day the Holy prophet (SAW) met that man, purchased the camel and set it free.

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