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Monday, August 1, 2011

Chap#4 Q&A - Class 9th - English

Chapter-4 (Little Things)
1.       Explain the main idea of the poem.
Ans. Small things in life indicate great changes. We see that all big things are made up of small, minute components. The great seas are made up of tiny drops of water, in the same way this lovely land is made up of tiny grains of sand and dirt.
Likewise, little errors become big sins. Little deeds of kindness can console the broken hearts and bring happiness in this world.
2.       How do little deeds of kindness make our life happy?
Ans. Little deeds of kindness and little words of love can bring happiness to dejected hearts. Such words and deeds can make us dear even to our enemies and make is world a very happy place to live in.

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